Archive Log Destination Full Oracle Databse
Oracle Database - Archive log Destination Full
Step 1 - Go to the archie destination and move some old archive file's to temporary location
]$ cd /oradba/app/oracle/admin/dbname/arch
arch]$ ls -ltr
arch]$ mv *1098657.dbf to /d01
]$ sqlplus '/as sysdba'
SQL> select name,open_mode from v$database
One of the routine task in DBA's
life is Archive destination get's fill 100%, maximum cases this will occur due
to scheduled archive backup jobs fail, when archive destination gets fill
database will be in hung state and not available to users, even it will not
allow us to connect as SYS and RMAN user as well.
If it allows as a RMAN user, we
can take archive log backup with delete input and we can solve the problem easily but Oracle
will not allow as RMAN user as well, then what to do and how to resolve this
problem. In this case follow below simple steps and resolve the problem.
Note : Don't shutdown or reboot
the database, when you move the archive log automatically it comes to normal state
Step 1 - Go to the archie destination and move some old archive file's to temporary location
]$ cd /oradba/app/oracle/admin/dbname/arch
arch]$ ls -ltr
arch]$ mv *1098657.dbf to /d01
Step 2 - Once completed the moving
archive log to temporary location, check the database status, it automatically
come to normal status
]$ sqlplus '/as sysdba'
SQL> select name,open_mode from v$database
Step 3 - Perform archive log backup with catalog , this
catalog automatically detects temporary archive log location archive log
files and take the backup
]$ rman target /
RMAN> backup archivelog all delete input;
Hope this will solve your archive log full issue.
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